Progressive Lenses

Progressive Lenses

What are the progressive lenses?

From the age of 40 onwards, human beings begin to experience a series of problems with their eyesight, noticing that their vision is no longer what it used to be, even having trouble reading the small print in an article, magazine, or newspaper.

All this is caused by presbyopia, but what exactly is presbyopia? Well, in short, it is the loss of the ability to focus on objects at close range caused by the passage of time due to the deterioration of the crystalline lens in the eye, causing it to stop focusing, losing flexibility and making near vision impossible for many activities.

Rashid, A. (2021, 6 diciembre). Presbyopia – A Common Eye Condition Related to Aging. IrisVision.

Fortunately, today there is a quite viable solution for presbyopia and it is the famous progressive lenses, this type of lenses or glasses allow to obtain a more comfortable vision at all distances, in these types of multifocal lenses eliminate the lines that can become visible through the lens in the bifocals allowing that despite the presbyopia the user can reach to observe clearly at all distances.

Advantages of the progressive lenses

  • As it is already known, this style of lens becomes more useful since only one pair is needed to have good long and short-range vision.
  • Gives much wider vision ranges than its bifocal counterpart, besides being more natural by not including this so-called "image jump" or abrupt change in quality, eliminating the various discomforts such as constant discomfort or sudden dizziness.
  • Compared to bifocal lenses, they present a more aesthetic variation since progressive lenses do not show this kind of dividing lines on the lens, providing a more pleasant image.

As for the physical aesthetics of these progressive lenses, they can be adapted to any type of frame as they consider the lifestyle of each person, they offer more comfort and better performance with increased vision zones.

Interested in progressive lenses? Take a look at our different frames which have this great feature.

Don't wait any longer paisano, improve your vision and your lifestyle.

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